With UTI Photo and Signature Image Resize Tools you can resize unlimited photo and signature images.
All the files you uploaded will be automatically permanently deleted from our servers after few hours and you can also delete them yourself.
This tool is designed for all users, no advanced knowledge is required. Therefore, it is easy to work on "UTI e-Sign Photo & Signature Resize Tools".
You can access or use UTI Photo & Sign Resize Tools online on the internet using any browser from any operating system.
If you apply for PAN card from UTI site and are facing problem in uploading photo and signature, then follow the steps given below.
With all these crop or cutter services, you can easily crop and print the front and back part of any ID card.
You can resize the image through UTI e-Sign Photo & Signature Resize Tools - Photo Accepted format: JPEG,PNG,GIF, 300 DPI, Color and Dimension should be 212X213 px, Max File size 30kb
Signature Accepted format: JPEG,PNG,GIF,600 DPI, Color and Dimension should be 400X200 pixel, Max File size 60kb. You can resize the image through UTI e-Sign Photo & Signature Resize Tools
If you are getting this error while uploading photo - Photo Dimension should be 212X213 px, then you can use UTI e-Sign Photo & Signature Resize Tools. You can resize the image by this.
If you are getting this error while uploading signature - Signature dimension should be 400X200 px, then you can use UTI e-Sign Photo and Signature Size tool. You can change the size of the image by this.
Photo Max File size should be 60kb If you see such error then you can work on the size easily with UTI Image Resize Tools in one click.
If you are making PAN card from UTI site, and getting error in uploading photo, then you can use UTI Image Resize Tools.
If you are making PAN card from UTI site, and getting error in uploading Signature, then you can use UTI Image Resize Tools.
Photo Scanning 300 dpi , colour ,213 X 213 px (Size less than 30 kb) in JPEG format.
Photo Scanning 300 dpi , colour ,213 X 213 px (Size less than 30 kb) in JPEG format (uti pan card photo signature resize)
uti pan card photo signature resizer cropping tools online 213X213 300dpi,400X200 600dpi pan card photo resizer free tools.
uti photo and signature resize,Crop,Size . UTI Photo and signature Cropping tools : ( Document Resize Online & PDF Marge ) pan card signature size , uti photo resize pan card size width height pan card photo resizer.
Signature scanning 600 dpi ?black and white (less than 60 kb) in JPEG format Be ensure that the scanning of applications are as per the above specification and clubbed into a single file and uploaded on server with Photo,Signature files.
If you want to add an ID card, like add it for Crop and Print, or want to add a PDF for Digital Signature, then fill this form.
If you are facing any error or problem while using this service, then you can complain about it, our team will solve it quickly.